Thirty - Luxury Scented Candle



Whispers of Wax and Love

In Elmsworth's embrace, a serene village cradled by the English countryside, "The Whispering Wick" spa was the epitome of luxury. Its cornerstone? A singular candle named "Thirty" from the renowned Hamdah London.

The moment one entered the spa, "Thirty" beckoned with its multilayered allure. Its flame danced gracefully, casting a soft, mesmerizing glow that promised escape from the world's frenetic pace. The scent was an odyssey in itself, an intricate blend that captured the heart of thirty whispered tales.

Each inhalation brought forth a vivid sensation: the warmth of sunlit meadows, the gentle rustle of autumn leaves, the caress of a cool breeze over rolling hills, and the distant laughter from Elmsworth's quaint cafés. Delicate undertones of lavender hinted at summer's bloom, while deeper notes of cedarwood echoed the timeless tales of the surrounding woods.

Patrons of "The Whispering Wick" often found themselves enveloped in a cocoon of nostalgia, with memories they couldn’t quite grasp, like wisps of dreams upon waking. Some spoke of feeling a lover's embrace, others whispered of days long past, and yet, to many, it was the comfort of the present moment, the sheer tranquility of Elmsworth.

And as the days turned to dusk, the spa's lounges echoed with contented sighs, the patrons entranced not just by the treatments but by the journey "Thirty" took them on. For in the heart of Elmsworth, amidst its verdant embrace, a single candle held the power to transport souls to places both remembered and yet to be discovered.

Thirty, A luxurious Natural scented hand poured to inspire and intrigue the senses. The classic blend of floral geranium and lavender with musky notes of patchouli, cedarwood and rosewood creates a daring and unforgettable scent for your surroundings

Premium therapeutic essential oils

Paraben Free

Phthalates Free




Ethically Sourced

Cruelty free

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